Friday, March 14, 2008

Disastrous Ramblings 2

The superficiality of human relations amazes me. I will not bail myself out from the general lot because i am myself as much guilty as any other specimen of the human race. Lets face it, we do not give a damn as to how our 'acquaintances' are. This category consists of people whom we wish just coz they have been around for a long time, faces we pass everyday, people we hardly remember names of without too much stress on our tiny brain cells. There is no other basis for that false smile we cover our face with when we meet them. In fact so obvious is our dismissive attitude that a stereotypical conversation goes something like this:
A (Passing the other person): "Hey, how are you?"
B: "Hey, how ar you doing?"
Neither of them shall wait for the reply nor be intrested to provide one. Aint it funny?

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